
Showing posts from November, 2018

Lightning Rods

Donald Trump is the perfect trigger to outrage anyone on the blue side of the spectrum, the perfect distraction from the deep structural problems in the country. Instead of efforts towards changing the system, all those outraged are content to use their energies hating Trump. The ruling elites must be overjoyed that Corporate Personhood, corrupt, dysfunctional elections and the substitution of plutocracy for democracy  get so little attention while Trump serves as lightning rod, as Obama did before him in stimulating complacency on the left and outrage on the right Let's go back to the 2016 election. Trump only got 30% of the vote in most of the primaries.  Many Republicans couldn't stand him, in fact there was a very strong anti Trump movement in the Republican Party itself. Many Republicans would have voted for any Democratic candidate but Hillary Clinton. It's very well known that a candidate with very high negative perceptions has a very hard time winning an elec