
Showing posts from March, 2019

Understanding People snd Power Made Simple

People Are People Regardless of gender, race, creed, and all the other details Underneath all the masks some people tend to treat others well and others tend to be more selfish in their dealings. When there is no accountability bad behavior is enabled encouraged and empowered. Whatever gender, race or creed holds political and social power, those members of it prone to using their power to oppress and exploit others will tend to do so In personal relationships women are just as likely to abuse their partners and children as men are, simply in different ways. Men tend to be abusive physically, women tend to be abusive emotionally and psychologically. Seeing things in simplistic terms of some groups are innately better and some groups innately worse is inaccurate. men are not better or worse women are not better or worse white people are not better or worse black people are not better or worse Straight people are not better or worse Gay people are not better or worse Etc.

A Super Simplified but accurate View of the Economy

1 Any economic system not based in the physical parameters of Earth's ecosystem is not only a fantasy, it is an elaborate way to commit suicide-ecocide. 2 automation means that there are simply not enough jobs @40hrs/week that pay enough money to thrive for more than a portion of the society given current costs of living and for many no job at all. This is as much about prices as about wages and of course it's all about how prices and wages get set and distribution of profits in a society. Underneath hailstorms of rhetoric from all sides those are the realities.