Empowering the toxic feminine

Man rape men molest men abuse men do War
the world would be such a much better place if women were in charge.

That's a lot of what we hear these days, that men are inherently bad, women inherently good, that men should really be a lot more like women in the way they speak and act. Little boys are given drugs if they act too aggressively, that is to say if they act like little boys instead of little girls.

Male bashing seems to be an international sport these days. I am someone who sees all the wrongs done by the old order and is glad they're going
I am someone who does not want to see the old wrongs replaced by a new set of wrongs perpetrated by a new order.
Foolishly, idealistically, I actually believe in true justice and equality and want to see a society that is fair to all.

It is a historical fact that for a very long time men have been in charge with very little accountability and some have acted very badly towards women. It is certainly true that there have been a lot of crimes committed  that have never come to light and that real change  and real justice is needed.

Having said that, the current perception seems to be that men are inherently bad by nature and women are inherently good by nature.

I would argue that is simply because women haven't had the chance to act badly. Of course the truth is that most people act decently and there are some bad actors. Despite that, in many people's minds it's as simple as women are inherently good, men inherently bad. I believe the technical name for that is prejudice.

For many years male virtues were exalted and female virtues looked down on. Women were basically criticized for not being men. Now we have the opposite happening, men are basically criticized for not being women and everything is being done to get them to act like women. In particular this is done to little boys.

In the 90s I did a workshop that said that for both masculine and feminine there was a light side and a shadow side. So for example for masculine the Light Side would be strength, the shadow side would be using that strength to oppress others. For feminine for example the light side would be sensitivity the shadow might be being ungrounded.

Whatever the specifics,  the main point is that there is
a healthy masculinity and a toxic masculinity,
a healthy femininity and a toxic femininity.
We contain both within us, it is our choice which to embody.

Today what has been happening is an epidemic of male bashing and a Dogma being put into society that men need to be tightly controlled because they are horrible animals who will rape and make war given any chance.  This is being instilled into men's psyches through media, the latest being the Gillette commercial. Men are supposed to feel guilty and bad about being a man.  Of course there is a lot of double talk around this "oh no, we don't mean that, we just want men to learn a better way of being", but that's just mendacity.

I do think that there are a lot of ways in which men need to clean up their act, I'm no fan of the old-fashioned patriarchal, unjust Society and
I do not want to go from
built in systemic injustice against women to built-in systemic injustice against men,
which seems the way we are headed.

Male abuse usually takes the form of physical violence, female abuse takes the form of playing victim and blaming men for everything. The new view is very much the old Victorian view, that women are weak and need to be protected. Very little empowerment in that.

There are a large segment of women today who are afraid of men and angry at men and want to control men and get revenge.  Some are honest enough to admit it, most are probably not even aware of it being in their deep psyche, but it is.

I see a lot of toxic femininity out there today. They claim the moral High Ground and do their best to disempower men every chance they get, typically through blaming and shaming and attempting to indoctrinate men into the new dogma that anytime a woman is upset it is the man's fault and he has committed a crime, and that men are ravenous animals who need to be controlled. They have claimed that is part of working for women's equality. It's not. It's simply a power grab, female style.

We are not heading for just and equal society, which I am 100% in favor of, we are heading for matriarchy. Many welcome this. lt is just a different form of what Riane Eisler has called Dominator Culture.

The bottom line seems to be there is something inherently bad about men and if women just ruled the world it would be such a much better place.

The toxic feminine is being empowered and one of the biggest ways that is empowering itself is by playing victim at the slightest opportunity and emphasizing the toxic masculine, not just in cases of real wrongdoing, but anytime a woman is upset at something a man did, especially on, college campuses where this sort of behavior has been enabled by a perverse interpretation of Title Nine as documented by Laura Kipnis in her work Unwanted Advances.

There are real problems. Making mountains out of molehills takes away from the real problems and makes it easier for old-school Meatheads to deny them.

In some spiritual Traditions they take the view that we are souls reincarnating through a series of bodies and that sometimes we are male and that sometimes we are female. Whether you believe that or not

The real truth is:
People Are People
sometimes acting well, sometimes badly
Regardless of race creed color gender sexual orientation or anything else.

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